
Light solution Autocentralen, Vejle

We had high ambitions for the atmosphere in the car dealership, so that customers and employees feel comfortable.
The cooperation with LIK and here&after has been a pleasure.
Their professional approach and creative mindset has made the solution light and elegant, as well as complementing the old ceiling construction and providing a unique design.
We have received a total solution that is beyond expectation.

Michael Rand
Branch manager at Autocentralen Vejle



Car Dealership


Hybrid Linear 60W
Hybrid Brick 30W
Hybrid Spot 23W


Jan Markussen

Contact Jan here

Autocentralen's new showroom

The Cars at Autocentralen Never Looked This Good
utocentralen’s renovated car showroom required a flexible and effective lighting solution. With three car brands on display and a section for used cars all in one room, it’s a complex environment to light up properly. However, using our Hybrid system, we were able to pr ovide an efficient custom - tailored solution, that makes the cars look amazing both day and night.

The flexible lighting system can be configured to meet each car brands’ unique demands. Still, it’s classy enough to complement the ceiling and powerful enou gh to deliver the necessary lux across the entire sales area. Now, the room is set up for Autocentralen to close the deal.
Autocentralens renoverede showroom i Jylland krævede en alsidig og effektfuld lys-løsning. Med en udstilling af tre forskellige bilmærker og en brugtvognsafdeling er det et udfordrende rum at oplyse optimalt. Men ved at bruge vores Hybrid-system kunne vi levere en virkningsfuld og skræddersyet løsning, der får bilerne til at se godt ud dag og nat.
Lyssystemet er så fleksibel, at den kan konfigureres efter hvert bilmærkes unikke behov. Derudover er installationen stilet nok til at komplementere loftet, og kraftfuldt nok til at levere de nødvendige lux i hele salgsområdet. Rummet er altså gjort klar til, at sælgerne kan klare resten.