

Luminans beskriver lysstyrken på en overflade i en bestemt retning. Glansen kan stamme direkte fra lyskilden eller være en refleksion. Kortlægning og justering af luminansen

Hvordan belyser du rummet?

Belysning er en væsentlig, men ofte meget overset faktor for gode indendørsmiljøer. Hvert rum er unikt og kræver derfor skræddersyet belysning for at opnå det

Den rette lampe til opgaven

Hvilken opgave skal lampen løse i rummet? Det er det vigtigste spørgsmål, du skal stille dig selv, når du leder efter lamper. Tit kan man

Human-Centric Lighting

Human-Centric Lighting (HCL) er en holistisk tilgang, der skal give den bedst mulige kunstige belysning indendørs. Fordi vi bruger det meste af dagen indenfor, er

Sustainable light

Elektricitet er en vigtig energikilde i vores hverdag. Derfor vil vi gerne være bæredygtige ved at bruge den energi mere effektiv. Vi bruger LED lyskilde,

Healthy lighting

Light plays a big role in our lives. Indoor lighting in particular can affect our well-being and health. We design lighting that balances natural and artificial light as well as lighting parameters such as CRI, Kelvin, flicker and luminance jump. Ultimately, it helps reduce headaches, fatigue and strained eyes and even supports cognitive abilities, as new research shows.

The History of Light

Since the dawn of humanity, the sun has been our primary source of light. New technologies have gradually made us less dependent on the sun - in particular the invention of the incandescent light bulb. Today, when we spend almost 90% of our time indoors, it is more important than ever to develop solutions that support our circadian rhythm and contribute to everyone's well-being.

Colour reproduction

Good lighting enhances every colour and shade, creating an optimal customer experience. By measuring the Ra value, you can assess how well a light source reproduces colours. The higher the value, the better the source is at reproducing colours. On a scale from 1 to 100, all LIK products have a value of 90 and above.

Light pollution

Artificial lighting creates a large amount of light pollution. The consequences are many and we, the people, have a responsibility to do something about it. That's why we always make sure that our outdoor lighting, among other things, illuminates only what is necessary, points downwards and emits as little blue light as possible.