
Sales and delivery terms

The terms and conditions shall apply in regards to the submission of tenders, supplies and services delivered by Lik A/S unless otherwise agreed in writing:



Unless otherwise stated, the quotation shall be valid for 30 calendar days from the date of the quote, provided that no changes has been made in regards to cost price, exchange rates, taxes etc.

2. Terms of delivery

Unless otherwise agreed, delivery shall take place without delay. If delivery has been agreed to take place in a certain week, delivery at the end of this week shall be considered timely.

Lik A/S shall be entitled to postpone the time of delivery in the following instances:
a. Ændringer i produktet og/eller ordren, som kunden ønsker.
b. Forsinkede leverancer eller ydelser, som kunden har aftalt at udføre, eller som kunden har bestilt en tredjepart til at udføre.
c. Leverancen må standses eller forsinkes på grund af force majeure, som Lik A/S ikke med rimelighed kunne have forudset, undgået eller overvundet. Eller hvis det førnævnte skyldes en handling fra en eller flere underleverandører, som Lik A/S har ansat til opfyldelse af aftalen.

I tilfælde af forsinkelse i henhold til punkt a og b, forbeholder Lik A/S sig ret til at justere den aftalte pris i overensstemmelse med de øgede omkostninger – eller alternativt ophæve aftalen uden at blive ansvarlig over for kunden.
The Customer is obliged to examine the goods immediately upon receipt.

Kunden har alene ret til erstatning som følge af forsinket levering, såfremt kunden kan dokumentere, at forsinkelsen skyldes Lik A/S’ skyld.

3. Return of goods

Only stocked products which are in intact packing and undamaged will be accepted for return.

Returadresse: LIK A/S Maserativej 5, DK-7100 Vejle.

Lik A/S reserves the right to refuse acceptance of returned goods if the packaging is deemed unsuitable for resale.
Goods can be returned only by prior agreement and for a fee of at least 15%.
Return orders worth less than DKK 500 excl. VAT shall not be credited.
Non–stocked, specialty- or customized goods cannot under normal circumstances be returned. If, however returned upon agreement, a fee of at least 50% will incur.
Upon return of non-stocked, specialty- or customized goods a return fee of DKK 300 will be added to the standard return fee.

Goods delivered in measured sizes/lengths, including ”made-to-measure” profiles and rails, are not returnable.

All freight charges etc. associated with the return of goods fall on the Sender.

Goods may only be returned after a prior written / telephoned agreement with Lik A/S. A copy of the invoice shall be enclosed with the returned goods. Returned goods without prior acceptance will be rejected.

4. Prices

Prices are quoted in Danish Kroner, unless otherwise stipulated. The prices are quoted excluding VAT and other taxes, as well as any packaging or delivery cost. Upon deliveries not covered by binding offers, the current price on the delivery date shall apply.

Prices are subject to external price changes. Lik A/S shall not be liable for any misprints in the price lists.
For orders worth less than DKK 2,500 excl. VAT and other taxes, a service fee of DKK 250 excl. VAT will be added.

5. Terms of Payment

Lik A/S shall determine the Customer’s terms of payment, including any cash discount, based on an individual assessment of available credit.

In case of overdue payment, an interest charge of 2% for every month from date of payment will be added. A reminder fee will be added in accordance with applicable law.

Lik A/S forbeholder sig ejendomsretten, indtil varen, herunder de afholdte udgifter til levering, forsendelse m.v., er betalt af kunden, eller en aftale om sikkerhedsstillelse er blevet indgået. Indtil en sådan betaling er sket, er kunden ikke berettiget til at videresælge varerne eller på anden måde disponere over varerne på en måde, der strider mod Lik A/S’ ejendomsforbehold.


All complaints must be notified within 8 calendar days of receipt. If a manufacturing defect can be demonstrated, the goods will be replaced or repaired by Lik A/S.

Lik A/S er ikke ansvarlig for almindelige monteringsfejl. Lik A/S er på intet tidspunkt ansvarlig for driftsforstyrrelser, tidstab, tabt fortjeneste eller lignende tilfældige tab, herunder dagbøder pålagt kunden.

7. Warranty

Products subject to manufacturing- or material defects shall be repaired or replaced without charge to the extent that the sub-suppliers’ warranty guarantees. The defective products shall be returned Franco incl. a copy of the invoice and a completed claim form.
ECG’s have a 1-year warranty. Faulty ECG’s will be replaced without charge, any consequential costs regarding replacement etc. will however not be covered, cf. the guidelines of FABA. (FABA is the representative of all major manufacturers and importers of lighting units in Denmark).

A 5-year warranty is given on LED chip and driver within rail spotlights and down lights, from the date of manufacturing. Faulty components will be similarly replaced without charge.

The warranty will only apply provided that:

  • The product is used in accordance with the specifications and installation manuals.
  • Maintenance and repair operations on the products are performed exclusively according to the manufacturer’s instructions and only by qualified personal.
  • Services such as (but not limited to) software updates or feature extensions are carried out exclusively by the manufacturer or a third party designated by the manufacturer.
  • No changes and/or repairs are made to the product without written authorization from the company.

The services performed under the warranty will not extend the original warranty.


Lik A/S shall not be liable for damages or defects caused by

  • Damages occurred during transport.
  • Improper installation, use and maintenance of the product due to not following the installation manual and product instructions of the product.
  • Use of the product in conditions that do not comply with technical regulations, in relation to the environment in which the product is installed (for example, room temperature, humidity, possible interference with electrical components or equipment)
  • Extraordinary wear and tear of parts and components.

8. Drawings, offers etc.
Any intellectual property rights concerning drawings (including plans for setting up lighting units etc.), descriptions, specifications etc. and offers prepared / delivered by Lik A/S for the Customer’s evaluation of offers or utilization of Lik A/S supplies and services, belongs to Lik A/S. The Customer’s effective payment will solely be granted a non-exclusive right of use. Drawings etc. must not be disclosed or used without prior written consent from Lik.

Drawings etc. must especially not be distributed to the competitors of Lik A/S, or others who might exploit the drawings etc. against the legitimate rights and interest of Lik A/S. Pending the Customer has acquired the requisite rights of use, cf. above-mentioned, the Customer is required to return all received drawings on demand and other material including any copies available. The Customer is further obliged to confirm in writing that such a return has been made and that the Customer is not in possession of any copies of the material or has handed it over to third party. The Customer has notice of the content of the drawings etc. reflecting the know-how of Lik A/S and that trade secrets and unauthorized disclosure or use thereof, may cause Lik significant financial losses, which the Customer may be ordered to compensate Lik.

9. Environmental fee
Each sales order will incur an environmental fee of DKK 59.00 or EUR 8.00.

10. Governing law and jurisdiction

Litigation and disputes shall be settled fully and finally under Danish law and jurisdiction in the first instance in Denmark where Lik A/S has its venue, currently the Copenhagen City Court.